Tablet, Mac and PC Subscriptions

Enjoy everything you'd find in the daily print edition of the Wilkes-Barre Citizens' Voice, but read it on your iPad, Kindle Fire, other tablet device, smart phone or on your computer.

Our award winning journalism and photography is now available in an easy to use digital edition, and can be shared using email, Facebook or Twitter. Some of the other Wilkes-Barre Citizens' Voice tablet edition features: Readers can comment on stories, hear an audio version of the newspaper, translate the news into many languages, download each edition directly to your device to read later and use RSS feeds.

For your convenience, there are several subscription options available to purchase. This will allow you to read the entire newspaper on your tablet device. Try the Citizens' Voice digital edition free for one week!

How to read The Citizens' Voice digital edition on your tablet

iPad users
  1. After you purchase your a subscription, go to the Apple iTunes store and search "PressReader"
  2. Download and install the PressReader app from NewspaperDirect
  3. Open the app, then go to the settings button at the top right of your iPad and click on settings
  4. Click on "authorize device" and enter the email address and password you used when you purchased your digital subscription
  5. Download the latest edition of Citizens' Voice and enjoy reading!

Kindle Fire users

  1. After you purchase your a subscription, go to the Amazon App Store and search "PressReader"
  2. Download and install the PressReader app
  3. Open the app, then go to the setting button at the top right of your Kindle Fire and click on settings
  4. Click on "Accounts," then click on "Authorize." Enter the email address and password you used when you purchased your digital subscription
  5. Select The Wilkes-Barre Citizens' Voice Smart edition from the titles available
  6. Click on the button that says USA
  7. Download the latest edition of Citizens' Voice and enjoy reading!
